Boredom as a tool for exam success

Boredom as a tool for exam success

Boredom and creativity are too important parts of learning and such tackling exams. A sideway look at an often overlooked part of the human condition for our next exam blog post .

There has been research to say that being so called bored actually fires up the creative part of the brain.


The premise of the research, around different ways of reading the phone book and the results suggest there is a sweet spot of boredom. When boredom occurs during passive activities , including copying out, or reading out loud dull material.

This passive approach sparks the ‘day dreaming effect’ on creativity. Boredom especially in teenagers has normally been seen as negative emotions. Both at school or outside at home. Recently it has been suggested that boredom actually has positive elements to it. Fundamentally increasing creativity. This of course is hard to see especially in young adults.

The challenge is not so much to stop them getting bored. More the challenge is for them to understand the waxes and wanes of the mind and the power of boredom to fire up creative thinking.

It is the creative thinking that sparks and improves memory and recoil. The fundamentals of learning and eventually exam success. More thoughts on our exam blog.