centre assessed grades plan for 2021
Centre assessed grades plan for 2021
Briefing from a Parliament about the role of centre assessed grades in the summer of 2021.
If you are interested in centre assessed grades get in touch. Telephone: 02071128105 Email: Exams@theexamhouse.co.uk
This briefing looks at the awarding of qualifications in summer 2021 in the pandemic. Mostly affecting England and Wales.
How will grades be awarded in 2021?

Ofqual & Department of Education have come up with a consultation process to produce centre assessed grades for GCSE, AS and AS Levels. Along with vocational and technical qualifications. (VTC).
GCSEs, AS and A Levels will be awarded on the basis of teacher and lecturer assessment.
Teachers and lecturers will assess the standard students are performing at.
Teachers, lecturer and tutors are expected to use a use a range of evidence – for example, homework, classwork, mock results or inclass tests. • Exam boards will provide question papers, largely based on past exams, which teachers can use to gather further evidence, but using these will be optional. • There will be no requirements for a minimum proportion of subject content to be assessed, but centres will have to testify that students have learned enough to progress. • GCSE, AS and A Level art and design will be assessed on portfolio work only.
practical or oral assessments (for example, English language, modern foreign languages, and sciences) centres will submit separate grades for these elements.
• Private candidates working independently – including home educated exam candidates – will be expected to work with exam centres, which will consider similar evidence as used for pupils on roll.