Dame Alison Margaret Peacock and Nick Hillman debate exams

Dame Alison Margaret Peacock and Nick Hillman debate exams

Dame Alison Margaret Peacock and Nick Hillman, the Director of Higher education policy institute were on Radio 4 debating exams last night.

The future of teaching and assessment.

We recorded this balanced debate on the future of exams and assessments in schools.

While they made some excellent points they didn't provide a long term solution. Inevitably tied into the current status quo for school based mass paper based mass exams at specific points of the year. We believe there is better alternative ahead. We have paraphrased the debate below. Plus the recording is at the bottom of this blog post.

Short term to give fairness to what is immediately in front us. What proportion should be exams. We have a diverse education system. The answer will be wildly different from an oxbridge candidate to a more vocation.n Good external assessment is the key. With an excellent appeal system. The technicalities of the system. Parents have up to now been left out of the debate. Both parents and employers need an element of exams if they are to have fair in the system. Parents felt the mutant algorithm is forever thus.

It means that a third of students do not get the highest grades. 2/3 will pass.

Parent engagement inevitably leads to conclusion that exams are to do with all the other exam candidates and how well their children do in relative to them. Not how hard my child work. The problem what happens in school need to reflect what comes after school . We have a fairly hierarchical post school system with our universities and UCAS. So not having ranking at school makes after much hard to be successful to be choosing the right candidates.Beadle has developed their own set of exams. While we need to embraces 3 different purposes for exams: Assess the individualAssess the school Assess the school across the country. While this three requirements that the exams to be provide it inevitably leads to failure and toxicity .

Dame Alison Margaret Peacock and Nick Hillman debate on exams