EHCP in the time of the Pandemic

EHCP in the time of the Pandemic

With the suspension of the Families and Children’s act 2014. While schools have not be suspended. A Lot of activities after school have. So the majority of pupils who are involved in EHCPs will be spending a lot of time at home.

While also often being the most vulnerable. There is a big change they will again disappear into home life. With exception, home life for pupils can be hard to manage .Especially in the cramped environments of urban living. Add on top of the poor home working environment, an EHCP pupil will not be someone who learns in a way that is both mainstream and logical. Though some thrive in a sensory rich environment while others need special attention in the un interrupted learning environment.

Those on the ECHP are the most vulnerable at this time of pandemic. It is these pupils, as much as it is for those on free school meals that will be the most vulnerable.

The EHCP pupils will again be hard to reach. With a difficult home life environment. With the added pressure of parent or guardian having to comply with Covid.

As soon as this lock down ends, the Government should focus their resources on the most vulnerable learners. They would start with all pupils on EHCPs.

A quick reminder, The Exam House along with BYT write EHCP. Do get in touch if you are interested .


The Exam House’s ECHP writing service provide cost-effective, efficient and flexible support for EHC plan production that caters to individual requirements. Especially for those who are faced with exams.