Exam and tuition paid for by Bitcoin

Blockchain results in GCSE and A level certificates

Exam and tuition paid for by Bitcoin

Here at the Exam House we strongly believe that exams and the payment of exams should be as accessible as possible.

While we go through this covid crisis along with an upswing in the rise of interest in cryptocurrencies. We believe we are the first education organisation to offer payment of both GCSE and A levels tuition as well as exam sittings with Bitcoin.

Exam and tuition paid for by Bitcoin

Prices will be reflective of the GB pound x Bitcoin. While we have yet to finalise the bitcoin details. We hope to broadcast both the intention as well as delivery of the opportunity to pay for GCSE and A level exams with the cryptocurrency will bring interested parties..

We do not believe that any school or college in the UK has ever offered Bitcoin as a way of payment.

While the Exam House is an independent organisation free from the Board of Governors. We strongly believe that offering Bitcoin as a way to pay for both tuition for GCSE and A levels.

Along with the exams goes some way in expanding the chance to sit the UK's GCSE and A levels to outside and private candidates.