Exam mindset preparation

Exam mindset preparation for GCSE and A level exams

The Exam blog is interested in the psychology of exam success. I.e. Mindset. Popularised by The Exam Expert.

Exam mindset can unlock hidden marks. It just takes practice. Once the mindset is cracked. Exam success often often comes pouring out. Be it for GCSE, A level or professional exams.

GCSE and A level revision Active recall

Being a champ is often in the eye of the beholder. Being the champ in exams is also a self imagination trick. Pretend you are the exam champ.

GCSE and A level revision

By believing in yourself and you will be the exam champ you are projecting your quite realistic ambitions in front of you. All of this is a form of visualisation and projection

The power of the GCSE and A level exam mindset is so much of what takes to prepare for exams and given not as much thought as other parts of exam preparation..

You can split down the imagination acts into the different parts of the exam. Different parts of the exams require a different feeling. The questions that you can smash through where as others need to be opened gently opened like a tricky lock and key.

Other parts of the exam could be like opening a box of mixed biscuit tin. Your job is to choose the right biscuit to fit the answer.

This silly visualisation is a powerful tool in both memorising and situational story telling as a way of building marks in the longer question and answer part of the exam papers.

All of which keeps you on top of the winning mindset. ‘Fake it til you make it’.

Another part of Mindset can be in the revision. This is called ‘Active Recall’. Click here to find out more about Active Recall.