Exam technique exam tool

Exam technique exam tool

Fundamentals of out smarting your exams come in many guises. Exam techniques are part of a suite of tools to smash your exam results. This exam blog aims to look at a few. We teach exam technique at our GCSE and A level exam centre.

Exam technique is often the difference between good and very good marks. The Exam House is writing a number of blogs around the skills of the exam technique.

A levels and GCSE exams are often a game of margins or inches. Small incremental differences make all the difference. This is the same in sport. Cyclists getting their diet right or surgeons washing their hands twice. Exams are a game of inches.

For exams this could include having a back up pen of the same you initially write with. It is making sure you sleep very well the days before the exam. Or even getting the exam centre before anyone else to get into the zone. All of these inches that are hard to measure all add up to a large margin.

Cancel any element of surprise The last thing you need in an exam is a surprise. Forcing you to work on the hoof. There are ways of eliminating as much as possible surprises . Writing lists helps. Check check and re check. Write lists of what you need to learn throughout the course and what to expect in the exam. Turn this check list on it’s head and write in backwards in order of importance. This exercise will help you really think about each part of the list

Going the extra mile in the exam Be hungrier, thirstier than any of the other candidates. Push your brain and thinking. Link across the question papers. There is no such thing as good enough. You can teach yourself to maximise your chances for the full length of the exam. Get as many past papers and questions as possible. Use free tools like www.cienotes.com to get more than your school gives you

Exams often leave clues for unfair advantages Perhaps with focus on parts of the exam that with good learning technique you can memorize to a high degree. Revision techniques are exam techniques!.