Exam trends predict a record haul of A grades for the exam candidates
Exam trends predict a record haul of A grades for the exam candidates of the summer of 2021.

We are predicting a "bumper crop" of A* and A grades, in results for exams cancelled by the pandemic. Which is what Prof Alan Smithers, at the University of Buckingham also predict.
Prof Alan warns against allowing "grade inflation". While we think it the whole exam system needs to be looked at from route to branch.
The University of East Anglia (UEA) according to the BBC report this morning, says that it could be a "record year for A level grades".
Teacher and centre assessed grades for the second year in a row. Against what we felt would happen. Because exams area by their very nature social distancing. Cancelling exams for the summer of 2021 has been such a policy mistake.
Prof Smithers said it is inevitable universities will consider introducing their own entrance exams. Essentially writing off this years A level candidates.