Exams and the high street

GCSE and A Level Exams and the high street

The danger of the last 10 years' demise of the high street is that the demise continues on the same trajectory.

With the high street being hollowed out.

Landlords are unable to sell or convert the property, empty shops, no street furniture, threatening gangs roaming the streets while everyone lives in housing far away. Throw in the trend of more and more online the outcome will be a high street which is close to being overall finished as a concept.

This is why we believe here at Exam House and our partners that education and educational services like exams have a strong place in high streets across the country. Including access to parking. This is discussed here in a previous blog. If pupils and candidates are coming to the high street to learn or sit exams it provides their parents or carers the chance to experience what the high street has to offer. Beyond GCSE or A level exams, this can include professional and btec.

We need both councils, bureaucratic bodies like exam boards and landlords to consider more high street presence as a space to conduct education and educational servicing.

Ironically, as the smartphone has become ubiquitous and exam-taking need to become more rigorous and accessible. The high street is the perfect solution for the sitting of exams.

London exam centre