Fast GCSEs and A levels

Fast GCSEs and A levels

Learning outside traditional term time structure has its enormous benefits to preparing for exams. The whole term structure is a remnant of the 19th century when most pupils worked on the farms during the summer and harvest. Rather than preparing for exams. Thats why the Exam House was launched. To bridge the gap between term time, holiday time and exams.

There are now very few pupils working on the farm so there is really no need for long holidays in the summer and easter. Traditionally the skills we learn in school are dragged out to fill the term times and to fit the time table of the school.

Here at the Exam house we can squeeze the whole A level and GCSE learning years into radically less amount of time. Resulting in Fast GCSEs and A levels. Here at the Exam House we are purely focussed on preparing for the exams. Nothing else.

To think outside of the terms you will see the vision and clarity that brings top grades with the least amount of effort. The whole long holidays simply disrupts revision and there is clearly regression in learning. Two months in the summer is a long time to find new habits rather than focusing on improving ones work. Tuition centres like the Exam house take a much more pragmatic approach to school holidays. we are not encumbered with unions, nor do we have half terms. We just have a head long focus on getting pupils to pass exams.