GCSE and A-level autumn exams offered in all subjects

GCSE and A-level autumn exams offered in all subjects

As was the suspicion, those pupils and candidates who are unhappy with their final exam result in the summer of 2020 will be allowed to resit. The difference is here they, OFSTED, have expressed the desire for ALL exams to be taken if the candidate so wishes. Across the spectrum of exams and exam boards.

The Exam blog has written about cancelling the exams. So is thrilled to see this opportunity arise.

The exam exams regulator, Ofqual, says a "full suite"of exams for candidates who want to sit their exam as a way of appealing.

It is still unclear when these exams will happen. I suspect they will be in Jan. When perhaps a lot of universities will start.

Ofqual said students would be awarded calculated grades this summer, and "Students will be able to appeal - through their school or college - if they believe the process this summer was not followed correctly in their case; and centres themselves can appeal if they believe something systemic has gone wrong in relation to their results.

"Any student unable to receive a calculated result, and others who would like to improve their grades, will have an opportunity to take the full suite of GCSE, AS and A-level exams in the autumn."

How this is going to develop is still yet to be seen. However, the numbers of some exams are quite smaller. Such as Japanese A level . Would they expect all A level courses to be re written?

More to follow on this. A previous blog on this here.

Clearly there are plenty of other practical challenges to be over come.

Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders says

"We are concerned about how schools and colleges will be able to accommodate and manage a full suite of autumn exams alongside the huge challenge of bringing all their pupils back in September, identifying learning gaps, and putting catch-up support in place," said Mr Barton.

This would have to be done while managing the risks associated with coronavirus, he said.

"We had argued for the autumn series to be restricted to A-levels, and GCSE English and maths.

"However, we understand the pressure on the government and Ofqual to provide the option of a full suite of exams in the event that pupils and parents are unhappy with centre-assessed grades in August."

"These qualifications will be every bit as valid as in any other year and will allow young people to progress to the next stage of the lives without hindrance, and without the need to use the autumn series."