head of ofqual simon Lebus today program exams
head of ofqual simon Lebus today program exams
While we are waiting on the guidance from Ofqual about how exams will be deployed in the summer of 2021.
The head of Ofqual Simon Lebus is pressing ahead with centre assessed grades. We caught him on the Today program explaining the new form of assessment.
While adding a form of independent assessment that schools can use to grade their pupils.
Continual assessment is a toxic form of assessment. We implore exam boards to put exams on in the summer of 2021.
This was illustrated in the interview today on the Today program.
Here at the Exam House we have strongly believe the A levels and GCSEs could easily go ahead. While Cambridge International has already broken covered and confirmed that exams are on. It is now the regulated exam boards of OCR, Edexcel and AQA to allow their exams to go ahead. Private candidates along with all the other ambitious exam candidates deserve for exams to be put on .

We implore the regulated exam boards Edexcel, OCR and AQA to do the right thing. Schools will be open, while exams are social distanced at their heart. Put them on !
External benchmarks is called examsI
Are the exam boards simply not doing their jobs by not putting on their exams?
The bank failures of failing to lend in 2008 is similar!