How exams set the tone for much of one’s early life

How GCSE and A level exams set the tone for much of one’s early life.

The challenge of this affects individuals along with their life chances. Here is a brief discussion on how one can mitigate poor exam results. While those who have successful exam results do not have to worry about this seemingly seared branding onto the side of an individual.

The best way to solve the challenge of poor exam results is simply to choose more suitable exams to take and tackle those. In so much as one goes on and does more exams which are more suitable and have a grade boundary that cannot be compared to the original higher more difficult exam. An example of this would be an A level compared to a Btec. Or an apprenticeship rather or on top of a degree.

 GCSE and A level exams why

The challenge is time. The best thing is perhaps either to do them at the same time as the higher, more difficult exam or soon after. That way you can differ to the higher of the marks.

Here is another blog about how more foundation exams possibly could be done on a computer. Which would help with the frequency of the exams being taken.