OCR have produced a timetable for their additional material

OCR have produced a timetable for their additional material.

To help teachers decide grades for students taking our qualifications. The OCR materials cover 475 OCR qualifications, including GCSEs, AS and A Levels, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals, as well as Core Maths and FSMQ.

The use of these assessment materials is optional.

To help fill a gap in the evidence you have to determine a student's grade .

They can be used flexibly, as a class or homework activity, or as a test for example.

Allowing you to focus on areas of a specification that have been taught.

Alongside the questions, there are relevant mark schemes and also mapping grids.

The mapping grids link to assessment objectives and highlight the content or skills covered within a question.

What's next? 

31 March: as well as publishing additional assessment materials on the OCR Grade Submission System.

12 April: we will publish data and marking exemplars alongside the additional materials on the system.

19 April 0OCR-specific exemplification of the grade descriptors on our Grade Submission System will be published using real student responses to past papers and NEA where available.

Please note that from 19 April, our additional assessment materials (without mark schemes) and grade descriptors will be available to students on the OCR website.