Paper based and computer based exams at the same time
Paper based and computer based exams at the same time
The challenge of running both paper based and computer based exams at the same time for the same exam series posses new risks. While paper based exams can be a full back for the computer based failure. Running them both poses risks and level playing field questions.
The adoption of on-screen or online or providing a paper version as an option is the most likely roll out of any computer based exams for GCSE and A levels.
While computer based exams naturally have a greater element of interactivity.
Israel dealt with this dual challenge by making the assessments separate. Exam candidates have a different reading style on screen than on paper which may well change the playing field. While other variables not listed here will prevent the paper based and computer based not to be equal for the same exams.
Difficulty to persuade the exam candidates to change. With ample chance for hoaxers and scammers to put exam candidates off sitting their different type of exam.
Plot graphs Drop down menus Diagrams Foreign language especially with non roman alphabet. Input familiarity Device type suitability and familiarity Unusual entry requirements like scientific formula
Interface importance

Plot graphs Drop down menus Diagrams Foreign language especially with non roman alphabet. Input familiarity all have a role to play in computer based exam deployment
Perceived skepticism by stake holders. Including the general public, teachers, politicians and the media all expressing strong reservations about the validity of the exams.
some exam candidates will choose to believe the manner of how the exam is deployed with lead to their natural disadvantages. While this cuts both ways. With improved access to others. Plus the new threats such as network failures and cyber attacks may prove to hyperbole the fear from exam candidates to take up the choice.
Without doubt there needs to be a concerted effort across the political spectrums to get full engagement in the change and implementation of computer based exams for the massive seasonal exams at secondary school.