post-qualification admissions system

post-qualification admissions system

The predicted grades system is a little messy and causes a great deal of unnecessary misery before A level exams.

So a recent post-qualifications admissions (PQA) system proposal has been suggested to change the process for post A level results.

The current process ,The student applies based on Predicted A level grades. Then they are allocated. Then if they do not get a place they go into clearing.

The new system suggestion:

A post-qualifications admissions (PQA) system could be introduced. When A level results day come universities will make an offer. The student will then have a period time to consider. If any of the initial application were not successful they then go into clearing.

Clearly this is a more robust system. This should help students who are doing exams from being distracted by predicted grades . While previously students can be perhaps be led a stray of unconditional offers.

The recommendations is that universities hold back from offering unconditional or conditional offers. Ass they put pressure while the students are studying.

This PQA system puts the decision process after the results. Essentially removing the clearly to the very end. Rather than immediately after the exams.

Scrapping of "conditional unconditional offers". Which this blog advocates. Regular unconditional offers should only be used in rare circumstances. These would be such as an interview, audition, submission of work or a skills test.

Financial incentives should be clearer. Rather than hidden.

UCAS has pervasively suggesting that students could start courses in January. After finishing their A levels in the previous summer. Having 6 months off.

The recommendations come after the universities admissions service Ucas proposed that students could apply to university after receiving their A-levels, and then start courses in January.

However this report says the there would be too much disruption to school timetables and university competitiveness overseas.

Here at the Exam House we strongly believe universities should be as flexible as possible. If that means starting at a slightly later date then so be it. Let each university make their decisions rather than one size fits all.

Student focussed

Moving to the PQA might still be challenging for courses that are highly competitive.

It could be difficult to arrange interviews, and there may be an increase in admissions exams.

Professor Quintin McKellar, vice-chancellor of the University of Hertfordshire and chairman of the Fair Admissions Review, said: "There isn't a perfect one-size-fits-all solution for the variety of courses and institutions, but the review has decided it would be fairer for students to receive university places based on exam results, not predictions."

Here he is on the Today programme discussing the new PQA system.

.Professor Quintin McKellar went on "We need to be confident that any new process will allow for effective careers advice and support for applicants," he said.

Jo Grady, general secretary of the University and College Union (UCU) told the bbc: "The current system is based on inaccurately predicted results and leads to those from less-affluent backgrounds losing out.

"Allowing students to apply after they receive their results will help level the playing field and put a stop to the chaotic clearing scramble."

She added: "UCU and many sector leaders now agree the time has come for the UK to join the rest of the world and finally to move away from the current unfair system."

Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said: "Teachers work hard and diligently to provide accurate predicted grades, but it is not an exact science and never can be. Post-qualification admissions would be better and fairer.