The advantages of being a private GCSE or A level candidate

The advantages of being a private GCSE or A level candidate

The advantages of being a private candidate for GCSE or A level are multiple. Here at the Exam House we accommodate private candidates.

Here are a few examples but not exhaustive as to why being a private candidate for GCSE or A level is so much better than being an internal candidate in a school.

1) you do not have to follow the full academic year in school. You can turn up and take the exam

2) The cost often associated with the college or school in that year can be avoided

3) you can learn at your own pace.

4) There is now no shortage of quality online learning material that is either free or close to free

 5) Exams are short and over quickly. Why involve yourself in an institution for some long when you can learn from home

6) Take the exams anywhere you like. if the exam centre will have you it  is up to you where you take them. 

7) Access arrangements are an important part of exams for those who need them. Schools and colleges occasionally  find it hard to accommodate. Being a private candidate means you can take your time in application and choose your exam centre that is willing to put forward your access requirements and have the space to accept you. 

8) No chance of being bullied or hurried in the school. You can learn in the company of your own home with the family around you.