The Blob fights back with the cancellation of exams

The Blob fights back with the cancellation of exams

Back in 2014. The school teachers enemy number 1 was Micheal Gove MP. A softly spoken, yet rivalled man in the world of secondary education.

He was seen as a man who would change their world for the worse. Increasing the pressure of schools to perform with exams. Removing the opportunties for ‘Continual assessment’. Teachers saw it as a tug of war as to whom was in power. Schools as agents of change or the drive of an individual to do well at independent exams. With comprehensive school education is a hot bed of hard left politics.

With the cancelling of exams the war is not won on this blob. Secondary schools have been not only so eager to close. But wriggle out of exams at a drop of a hat.

How can schools and OfQual complain about variations of learning provision with the move to online learning and not complain about the variations of learning opportunities when there was not a pandemic.

There is always going to be variations in opportunities to learn and prepare for exams. Calling for exams to be cancelled are the same people who call for compulsory comprehensive education. I.e. Banning private schools and grammar schools.
