Unions and exams

Unions and exams

So much of this corvid approach by Government with schools have been driven by the teaching unions. The unions take an approach that little teaching through the year is preferable and anything to get into the way of the long holidays must be fought. Using cover of other unreasonable approaches as cover.

This coronovirus has shown the top down bureaucratic approach to schooling and exams we have in the UK. If the unions feels they the working year is being threatened, or if solitary for other union members they will threaten not to turn up to work.

Micheal Gove, the former education sec. called the teaching profession the blob. An immovable object that refused to change. Finally the coronovirus has shown the damage their blob like approach has had on the access to education pupils have. It has been private exam centres have taken up just some of the demand. While cancelling exam has endangered a whole generation’s education. When it could have been the opposite. Had they kept exams to go ahead all of the home learning could have been focussed and goal orientated. Our previous blog discusses this further.

There are ways out of this. We can remove the access to exams from schools. We can encourage schools to be run throughout the year in a different time table. We can encourage pupils to take control when they want to take exams. Normalising that pupils decide themselves when and where they sit their own exams. Getting rid of predicted grades.

The exam boards are part of the blob. Mostly run by ex teachers who become exam officers and examiners. The exam boards drive the same agenda the school unions. Box and coxing with the unions to reinforce the school year rigidity. Cancelling exams shows how exam boards have wheeled too much power and group think.

Take back control of schooling and exams away from unions and into pupils and parents hands.