What time does UCAS Track
What time does UCAS Track update on A level results day?
The UCAS site is the place to go on results day.

The UCAS Track is 'frozen' prior to A Level results day.
You won't be able to make any changes.
Contact UCAS directly if you need to update any information for your A level choices in this time.
The system restarts at 8am on results day.
Track becomes 'frozen' and your page won't change again until midday at the earliest.
It's worth waiting to log in after you've got your results.
What will A level UCAS Track show?
- your place on the course has been solidified.
Unconditional Changed Course (UCC) - What does this mean
- you don't have the necessary grades for your offer, but the university has proposed a similar course requiring lower grades. Including deferred and different campus. Remember the Universities all want you as it is a competitive market
If you meet the offer, it will turn to Unconditional.
A UCAS confirmation letter AS12 will appear on the page within five to seven days of the confirmation. It will NOT BE sent by email or post.
What if I don't get the grades I need?
Don't panic, as there are a number of options open to you.
- Talk to the university if the grades were close. They may reconsider their offer. Especially if you plan to appeal. While you maybe offered a place on another course at the University.
- Accept the decision and go through the results day Clearing process.
You could consider a gap year or even an apprenticeship