What makes a good GCSE and A level exam experience

What makes a good GCSE and A level exam experience.

Here at the Exam House, we feel there are a number of certainties that come in sitting exams well. We run a number of exam centres including our London Exam centre.

These include some of the below :

Professionalism of the centre manager and invigilator. This includes clear instructions and reassurance.

A calming atmosphere. Noise free throughout.

Good clean lighting

Minimal disruption. Ie. Few other candidates leaving the Exam hall.

Familiarity including the atmospherics. This can mean conditioning with a mock exam soon before the real exam in the same environment.

Timings. The start of exams are not too early and not too late.

Equipment - spare writing implements including table and chairs.

Big clocks for obvious reference points

Formalness, has a purpose. Exams are important. Dress for everyone is smart.

Sense of pride more than foreboding.

Parking and good access is important. See here for other blog.

London exam centre