Access Arrangements for the Exam House

Access Arrangements for the Exam House

The Process

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Our SEN specialist will discuss with you and complete the necessary paperwork.

With the aim of putting together the evidence for the application for access arrangements.

Evidence & Regulations for access arrangements

Evidence the candidate would otherwise be disadvantaged without assistance

A range of proof needed with examples below:

Form 8 from college with assessment scores from the specialist assessor. report from school, college of learning provider that references the need for assistance.

  • An IEP or equivalent stating the need and use of support during learning.

  • An Educational Health and Care Plan relating to a learning disability or issue.

  • A letter from professional showing evidence of a disability or other issues that would affect the candidate during an examination. Professional letters that are accepted as evidence are ones from consultants, SENCos, educational psychologists, CAMHs, LA, occupational health and specialised therapist. A letter from a GP is not acceptable.

possibilities include centre delegated access arrangements such as laptop, supervised rest breaks and prompts, specialist assessments and mock exams. Evidence of “normal way of working” may still be asked for. Please note, obtaining tests and reports will NOT provide with certainty for Access arrangements.

The application process and the evidence along with documentation mean the Exam Board’s final decision is theirs.