Access to exams - Spread the word

Access to exams - Spread the word

We believe that having access to exam taking is really important., especially for outside candidates in GCSE and A level .

We provide quality exam services for pupils from across England, Scotland and wales.

Our quality exam officers and invigilators work in providing a warm, calm and welcoming environment.

For what is often a stressful experience for young people. While many of our GCSE and A Level exam candidates would not otherwise be taking exams if they were not taking exams with the exam house. Our aim is to broaden access to these critical life important exams.

While this virus forces schools to shut, it also forces parents and pupils to think about the alternative provision for exam taking. Thats why we are partnering with as many organisations as possible to spread the word that non school exam taking is a choice. By spreading the word that schools are not the only place to sit exams the result is it reduces anxiety for parents and pupils. Eg. We Work with BYT, who have a number of centres around Bucks, London and Berkshire is a great way to engage with the public about this opportunity. If you do have the opportunity to spread the word we would be thrilled to hear from you. Here is the youtube clip of the shout out .