Pre U exams

Pre U exams

The Exam House is a Pre U exam centre

Pre U exam centre

Pre Us are not part of the traditional A level exam route. Though they are run by Cambridge Assessment it gives pupils the opportunity in a school setting to go further and be taught to a higher degree than than school would otherwise do with just A levels.

The Pre U exams have not be cancelled and continue to be sat for 2020.

The premise of the Pre U was to give the candidate getting engagement with their likely university course. While giving the university assurance that the pupil and candidate is able to engage with higher learning beyond A levels.

The rise of the Pre U started as A levels were increasingly becoming modular. Around 2005. Taking exams and assessment over a period of time. Rather than the linear model. Where the exams are taken at the end of the course. As A levels become more able to game with the modular system, universities were looking for testing that had more of the traditional rigour of final term exams.

With plenty of schools especially private schools using Pre U, the Government in 2014 starting to make A levels more linear and giving the A a star for the top results. (A*).