Alternatives to study drugs for exams
Alternatives to study drugs for exams
“smart drugs”. Often referred to as “nootropics” – from the Greek, noos (mind) and tropos (growth) – these are chemicals intended to improve your mental powers. Here are some alternatives
Although the temptation to take study drugs from peers maybe high. There are alternative ways to improve performance. Here are just a handful . Though the list is pretty endless.
B Vitamins. There are eight B vitamins that work to provide among other things an increase of energy from breaking down fats and carbohydrates.
Ginseng. evidence of its effectiveness as a stimulant in medicine is poor, though many people note ginseng for its ability to improve short-term memory.
Caffeine Coffee! Many study drug users say it is not too dissimilar to having a few shots of espresso. Over use of caffeine produces the side effect of shake gittering.
A cold shower. Short and sharp. Cold shows are a excellent way in improve mental performance instead of study drugs