Benefit of sitting GCSE or A level exams in own room

Benefit of sitting GCSE or A level exams in own room

The calming affect that having one’s own room to do GCSE or A levels exams for a lot of EHC and SENDCO exam candidates can be the difference between getting a GCSE or A level or not achieving a grade.

These access arrangements provide an opportunity for candidate to have the most suitable access to the exams to continue to make the exams fair to all candidates.

As the range of disorders have been named and used as diagnosis. So too has the need for own rooms. Example say a diagnosis of ASD and dyslexia. The exam candidate was assessed as needing extra time and a laptop . While not specifying the candidate would benefit from own room.

It is nearly always up the parent to advocate the use of own room. Schools often find it hard to accommodate as the requirement it has on the invigilators and rooms available. So it is rarely suggested. With the need for the exam room to be a fully standard exam room. With the relevant posters, clocks and invigilators. As per required by JCQ, the qualification awarding committee that sets the standards for GCSE and A levels. There is no difference except the the exam candidate is the only candidate in the room.

Being the only exam candidate in the room reduces anxiety, allows for a calmer entrance, provides a focussed less distracting environment. While also being more hygienic. Both from noise and bio hygienic.


We can all remember the trouble of sitting along rows of exam candidates. Often hearing their own heavy breathing, body smells or fidget noises.

It must be difficult for exam candidates who end up having to sit next to the other exam candidate who bully them at school.

The solution to a lot of the environmental challenges is sitting exams on the candidate own in their own exam room. With no other exam candidates in the room. Calm with no distractions.