Exam boards are too big to fail

Exam boards are too big to fail

Exam boards are too big to fail. We need more exam boards not less of them.

The challenge of the pandemic for the cabal of exam boards who act in unison with schools. Both in step and too closely aligned.

Surely having a much wider exam board market. Where exam boards work to delivery exams throughout the market. Rather than just what the few exams board want.

It is reminisce of the 2008 credit crisis. Where we only half a dozen major lending banks in the UK. All of whom were highly geared. When the US banks began to have for-closures this put huge pressure and eventual collapse of uk banks. British tax payers are still paying for the bail out.

Had there been a wide variety of banks with different processes and dynamic choice for consumers and business. The stress would have been spread over a much wider market and so if one or banks failed it would have been the small less systemic event.

It s the Systemic risk of the pandemic, the exogenous shock to the system, that is is putting a strain of the exam boards to put them on in the autumn whereby increasing the different Systematic risk. The systemic is the overall, day-to-day, ongoing risk that can be caused by a combination of factors including corporate management and the act of running the enterprise. Exam boards are too big to fail. They need to be more of them and with a wide variety of alignment of partners including different organisations, colleges and schools.

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