Exam taking and home schooling

The history of home schooling and GCSE and A level exams is a complex one.

There are lots of reasons why schools and Government have made it hard for parents to home school. Along with the bureaucratic hurdle of exam taking which more often than not has meant the school has to have a relationship with the pupil to allow them to sit the exam in the school. Inevitably reducing the chance the pupil can sit an exam at school who has been home schooled.

GCSE and A level Exam taking and home schooling

One of the main drivers of this along with national safe guarding arrangements is identification. It is more frequent for pupils under 18 not to have any ID at all. Without photo ID how can schools know the pupil is who they say they are. So the way to combat this is to have some level of relationship and push the pupil into school education rather than home education.

However, organisations now have a wide range of ID taking opportunities and if with enough time given the exam centre can surpass ID requirements and non school exam taking opportunities are now possible for the home schooling market.