What The exam house believes in

Here at the Exam House, we believe we are at the beginning of a revolution in exam taking for pupils in secondary school. The rise of exam tech in the tertiary and professional exam taking space has until now not filtered down to the secondary school level where the vast amount of exam taking takes place. Here is the youtube video introducing the topic.

 GCSE and A level exams why

With the prevailing winds this is set to radically change of the coming few years. Exam taking has been traditionally been a low tech activity. With the onset of fundamentally radically different technology including machine learning, block chain screen quality and ID checks, the exam industry now has the power to change for the better. Historically secondary schools are by their very nature conservative in adopting technology so it is left to the private sector to come up with the innovation and standards thats schools can adopt.

We aim that the Exam House can be part of the solution of improving exam taking experience for GCSE and A levels in our exam centre and be part of the future solution of exam taking outside of school in the Uk.