Fast GCSE courses

Fast GCSE courses

Here at the Exam House thrilled to be offering the short ‘Fast GCSE courses’ along with the ability to sit exams.

With hundreds of pupils sitting GCSEs at our exam centre. The GCSEs being learnt in double quick time. The Exam House has now codified the whole exercise.

We have a greater higher aim of dis intermediating the school year. We believe that GCSEs should be taken when pupils are ready rather than when schools are ready. The plethora of GCSEs at school is really a symptom of schools having to pad out the year so the combination of the courses fills out the two or three years of GCSE. When in reality GCSE Maths and English are two GCSES which are vital for progression. The myth of having lots of GCSEs is systematic of the status quo that in the virus lock down has now been shown to be unnecessary.  The GCSE exam cliff, especially with so many all at once favours the school but not the pupil. The school is obliged to get the pupil in school for as long and for as much of the year as possible. The whole school recruitment is then based around the breadth. Followed by the exam office which is kept busy throughout the year.

Fast GCSE Courses the exam house

With simple alternatives to sit the key GCSEs in double quick time totally changes the learning progress. Less hung up on exams while focusing on pushing up the learning tree. We bring you the “Fast GCSE course’.