Schools ICT funding and exams

Schools ICT funding and exams

What has the Coronavirus taught us about the future relationship between schools and the funding bodies and how will this affect exams?

A clue maybe in the speed of the roll of the ICT provision.  

The Exam Blog the pleasure to talk briefly to Dr. Glenys Hart, Vice Chairwoman of the Society of Education Consultants. Dr Genys works with an extensive range of education organisations including schools, parents and local authorities.

Glenys says 'Schools with ICT capabilities and they have switched relatively easily to offer online education have thrived in the lockdown. Teachers have needed to adjust the way they teach students during online lessons which work well if you have the pairing of good teachers and good ICT resources. 

 The virus has starkly illustrated the digital divide has been an issue for 10 -15 years . The Government giving laptops to disadvantaged year 10 over the lockdown is an acknowledgement that ICT provision is critical as learning doesn't need to take place just in school.'

Here at the Exam Blog have no doubt this will bring about a rapid increase in computer based exam taking. With a similar strategy and deployment of the professional exams at an older age.