GCSE A level and ACCA Exams
GCSE A level and ACCA Exams
Here at The Exam House we have focussed on providing quality teacher led learning centres.
This has naturally let us into looking at adding further services. Exams have been a natural progression to add value. While we have created a new exam brand. The Exam House The Exam House provides GCSE ,A level and now professional exams Including ACCA Exams at the our Exam Centres.
Get in touch with the Exam House for GCSE, A level and now ACCA exams
Email: Exams@theexamhouse.co.uk

We believe that exams are an important part of the educational journey. Giving an unbiased assessment on the learning achieved. While exams are often radically better that the often unintentionally biased teacher assessed grades. Teachers are good at teaching. Assessments are a wholly different challenge. If mixed they often produce poor overall results. Pleasing no one.
There are several good debates to be hand as to how exams should be carried out. With the professional exams now mostly computer based. It is the GCSEs and A levels that continue to be paper based. We strongly believe that computer based exams provide exceptionally good value.
As we start our journey running professional accountancy ACCA exams. We are in a privileged position of being at the nexus point between professional exams and secondary school exams. Expect us to be part of the debate in future exam debates. Firmly on the side of computer based exams .
We have just produced guidance as to how grades will be generated in the summer of 2021