Grading exam candidates for the summer 2021 exams
Grading exam candidates for the summer 2021 exams
Following Ofqual’s announcement today 25th February 2021 We are working on the pathway for our learning partners to grade the exam candidates who intend to sit exams this summer of 2021. Including for exam tutors.

If exam grades are able to be generated the exam candidate should be fully aware and accept the process that the learning partner provides the required evidence made clear by the regulator. - We want to draw your attention to Your ‘Grading Process’ can be one of the criteria for any future appeals.
In order for us to meet the Quality Assurance requirements stipulated by the Exam Boards. We require to clear understanding of the exam grading process what partners use. We will require this information no later than the 2nd of April 2021.
Subject to the above we will need all exams candidate grades with the supporting evidence by the 14th May 2021.
The process the moderation and standardisation will then follow. Before we submit grades to the exam boards on 18th June 2021.
An Exam sampling process will check for any grade disparities submitted by the learning partner organisations alongside the moderated grade.
What happens if you believe there is not enough evidence for a grade? There is an optional assessment material available.
Which can be provide by the exam boards. This OA evidence should allow the learning partners to support and add to the evidence that you already have on the candidate for grading purposes.
The exam boards will provide support and training. Along with guidance for anyone looking for support.
If you have exam candidates with other examination centres we are unable to engage with the Ofqual’s grading process and protocol. We at the Exam House are more than happy to help