JCQ agree to make exam questions available before the exam
JCQ agree to make exam questions available before the exam
Exams regulator JCQ agreeing to make questions and marking schemes available online

exam candidatess to access mini-assessments that teachers can use to help grade them
JCQ insist evaluations should be viewed more like coursework than exams
In a webinar yesterday, Ofqual said exam candidates will have advance sight of the tasks and mark schemes after the Easter holidays.
Teachers would have access at the end of March.
Ofqual said this was to prevent over cramming over the break.
David James, deputy head of an independent school, said it was 'unbelievable if true'.
And Sam Freedman, ex-adviser to Michael Gove, said the 'whole thing is a car crash'. Paul Caden, head of science at Horsforth School in Leeds, said: 'What? Please tell me this is a joke.' The Mathematical Association said the decision could embed disadvantage.
An Ofqual spokesman said: 'A wide range of questions will be made available..while students will have access to them all in advance, they will not know which ones if any... their school or college will use.' The Department for Education was contacted for comment.