legacy of Corvid 19 on pupils and exams

legacy of Corvid 19 on pupils and exams

The fall out of Corvid on the exam sector in the UK will be long lasting and generational.

As the lock down begins to draw down, the teachers union are digging their feet in and refusing the teachers to go back to school. Resulting in 6 months of pupils out side of school. And a whole cohort and year of pupils who simply have been refused the opportunity to sit exams. Unable to show their best and be graded against their year.

The idea that a bureaucratic organisation can simply refuse you the opportunity to sit an exam in reasonable time show how the top down school lead approach to exams is now out of date. Had exams be mostly run by non school organisations, allowing them to open when they like, giving flexibility and learner learn opportunity in sitting exams, then the generation of pupils who attitudes will be wholly changed can be saved.

Instead these pupils now will unlikely feel it is worth sitting down and learning anything the the government encourage them to do. As now the government and the unions have made it neigh on impossible to sit exams. The apathy that will stem from this will last a whole generation.

The way to solve it is to remove the exam taking from the exam time table and encourage third party providers, like the Exam House and exam boards to run GCSE & A level exams throughout the year. Either computer based or written. Just regularly and often.