Mainstream university Education like Media is Changing

Mainstream university Education, like Media is Changing

Media like learning opportunities is changing.

The Exam house predicts universities will be disrupted in the same way as media has been. Quality online lessons and exam taking opportunities outside of traditional universities will eat the lunch of the universities.

What use to be considered to be mainstream media including the BBC and the large distributed newspapers is now pretty much over. The main stream media now is twitter, instagram and the mega blogs including Guido Fawkes.

Here is a graph to show:

Guido quotes:

‘Guido has been calling newspapers the Dead Tree Press for over a decade. The situation for many national newspapers is dire, year after year of double-digit falling newsstand sales, disappearing local newspapers unable to compete with ultra-local advertising solutions from the tech-media giants which are objectively better than they can provide.  All exacerbated and undercut by unfair competition from the BBC’s monolithic, monocultural empire of local websites and radio stations. The print editions are in a death spiral…’

Replace the BBC in Guido’s quote with the vast majority of UK universities and we have the perfect mix for disruption. With the wind of change toward the learners of all ages and away from the deadbeat red brick Universities. The old world education system is set to crumble in the face of the pandemic and subsidy obsessed, over charging British universities.

It is the Exam blog prediction that the mainstream education and exam taking is going to radically change over the next 10 years. taking a similar path to the media. Red brick universities falling away. Self study, apprenticeships along with independent exam taking in exam centres like The Exam House to become the norm.