November 2020 GCSE exams
November 2020 GCSE exams
The November Autumn GCSE 2020 set of exams could pose a serious public health risk as colleges host large cohorts in high-risk areas, the Association of Colleges has warned.
In a letter to schools minister Nick Gibb, the AoC's chief executive, David Hughes, said he would "welcome urgent discussion about whether going ahead with this series of exams is the right thing to do."

Colleges would have large entry numbers this 2020 November set of exams – in high or very high tier areas in the North West, Yorkshire and West Midlands
Nick Gibb added that colleges would apply the social distancing and health measures recommended by Ofqual and the Joint Council for Qualifications to minimise the risks, "but for many it will result in the closure of entire campuses to other students on the exam days to manage numbers safely".