The waste of GCSE and A level exams
The waste of GCSE and A level exams
There is properly no industry quite like tutors and exams and GCSE and A level exams .. Where one side is human powered and the other just an extra ordinary amount of paper logistics.
The blog has written before on the waste that exams create. With a series on ‘How Green is our GCSEs and A levels’. This waste is both the waste you can see. The paper, the cardboard and the envelopes. But mostly it is the unseen waste. The waste of the logistics that power the exam boards delivery. With carbon emissons of the hundreds of tons of postage both too the exam centres and back again.

Then there is the GCSE and a A Level exam storage rooms .More rooms to heat. More room to use and be part of the footprint. This is can really only be classed a waste if the exams have an alternative. With the rise of technology. Helped from assurances from the professional exams. Surely the GCSE and A level exam boards should be delivering the exams through computer based exams.
The mind boggles with how much saving of waste. Along with the increased flexibility that exam taking through computers bring. Obviously the security of the computers is the same as the exam papers. With exam conditions . Everything else is just radically better.
Can it be true that the waste from exams. Including the plastic wrappers that the exam papers come in just end up in the dumps and seas around the world. I suspect so.