Part 2 of how green are GCSE and A levels

In the previous blog, we discussed the carbon foot print of the regular GCSE and A level exam taking. Without considering course work assignment of exams. In this blog we are going to explore the waste and green issues of course work assignments.

How Green is the GCSE and A level Exam Hall?

GCSE and A level Exam Hall

For exams both for written course work and modular exam series there is a requirement for course work to be sent for marking outside of school. In some incidences exam providers will ask for a sample thus keeping the sending and receiving of the course work to a minimum. Plus heating a large exam hall on irregular occasions. We have discussed temperature in exam halls in a previous blog . However, the modular and course work assignments required of exams means a lot of post being sent around the country. If there are a series of exams over a period of two years which is typical of modular A levels. there will be several exam sittings. Each one of these exam sittings has more post and delivery. Each one needs to heat up an exam hall for pupils to sit usually a cavernous sports hall. Each one needs postage to and from the school and the final certificates.