GCSE & A level Exams touch us all

GCSE & A level Exams touch us all

With this virus coming through the whole population. Especially in London. It is an interesting time to compare how this cornovirus which has affected everyone of us. Exams, especially at secondary school with GCSE and A levels, that affect everyone who goes through the system. It is a rare case for a pupil not to sit exams at any point through their education. Here is a previous similar blog on the topic.

This is why we must, like how we are looking at bio security, look at the way we do and value exams in secondary education.

There is no doubt the intrinsic value exams have for pupil development. Its a rare teacher to advocate no exams for pupils. While schools try their hardest to put on exams while trying to provide the best learning environment for their lessons. Here is a short youtube video for any comments .

In other blog posts we have discussed innovation around exams and perhaps we are at a tipping point. Perhaps this virus will bring an end to large hall exam taking in school halls. Ushering in an era of exam taking focussed on the pupils attainment. Not what schools can do but what pupils are ready to take. With a mix of computer based exams along with block chain question delivery and mark recording. We are about to start a new dawn on exams.

School GCSE and A Level exams