GCSE and A level Exam miles

Exam GCSE and A Level miles

Having discussed with colleagues and family how to reduce miles for exams. Whether it be manuscripts papers or certificates.

Reducing the millions of miles of exam papers travel around the UK surely is a sustainable goal. I have no doubt that exam boards are doing everything they can to reduce the miles manuscripts and papers have to travel to complete the full cycle of their use. I have come up with the hasthag #Exammiles

GCSE and A level exam miles

GCSE and A level exam miles

There are a lot more we can do including scanning on site and eventual computer aided examination services to reduce the miles GCSE and A level exam papers and manuscripts travel both on the first time and any resits the candidate might choose to take. Clearly there is no one size fits all approach. Multi faceted challenges like this across the awarding boards need to simple solutions which service the greatest part of the cycle. One of the solutions is using computer based exam taking. Whether the computer generates the questions plus also marks the paper and or the paper is printed out for the candidate. All of which have merit. We have discussed the use of block chain in exam management with artificial intelligence generating questions. Discussed here in a previous blog.about a new online exam. The resulting manuscript can either be printed off and used or a computer is set up to the candidate to take the exam on a screen. The process behind the exercise is delivered through cloud based services.

The outcome to all this must be a better solution for the candidates. Focused improvement on the exam taking experience for candidates and pupils will also be a positive.