School exams

School exams

School exams seem to be an excellent exercise in producing a large volume of GCSE exam past papers and video answers to go with it. Speaking with Eddy Chan, the director this morning, Eddy explained the benefits of using past papers and question bank along with video answers is the best way to tackle school exams.

School GCSE and A Level exams

Here at the Exam House we tend to agree with Eddy and school exams in the approach of how to tackle exams. Outside of school learning opportunities like these compliment schools as well as help replace.

With a high volume of question and answer exercise covering all aspects of the GCSE. This is a firm way to improve grade opportunities at GCSE. Clearly it doesn't suit everyone. Especially those who find learning from a screen a challenge. However, the non school learners and homeschoolers amongst the exam candidates this is an excellent resource. Eddy is being generous an add a discount code for us to share. Will add as soon as Eddy can send.

One added of School exams is the reduction of printing and possibly the improvement of exam miles. Especially in the learning and revision mode.