Outside GCSE & A level candidates discrimination

Outside GCSE & A level candidates discrimination

Ofqual the UK governments exam watchdog has been scrambling to issue guidance for candidates, exam centres and schools. We do not know exactly how outside candidates will be dealt with. However those who are in school are using schools relationship with the pupils and their understanding of the pupils ability and understanding of the subject to grade them. Discussed exam sitting here in a previous blog in the importance of outside school exam preparing.

This is a large discrimination for those who are not in full time schooling. In fact, it drives a wedge between the idea that schools prepare you for the exam rather than the exam itself. The whole pressure is simply because exams happen so few times of the year. If, like in the previous blog we have little and often exam taking opportunities for the full number of exams in the subject, E.g. maths paper 1, 2, 3 when you feel ready rather than when the school and exam boards see fit.

Outside GCSE & A level candidates discrimination

Here is a short youtube video discussing this point if this is possible then the whole exam year will radically change and the idea that schools and exams are one of the same thing will finally split. Exams should be run by different organisations than schools, often in different buildings and locations than schools. No disruption for schools and professional exam taking service by the exam centre.