David Didau opinion on schools and exams

David Didau opinion on schools and exams

As the Exam House blog begins to reach out across cyberspace. To find others who have particular angle on exams and schooling. We invited David Didau to comment on the current virus affect on schooling and exams especially around teacher assessment.

This is what David had to say :

‘Because we all suffer from unconscious bias, children from more disadvantaged backgrounds have been shown to be further disadvantaged by teacher assessment and do, on average, better when assessment is standardised.

There’s little doubt that children from more advantaged backgrounds will be further advantaged in this year’s extraordinary conditions. So, to those who have been suggesting that now is a good time to get rid of national exams I’d urge caution. On the whole, exams are the least worst option. This year, because exams are impossible, the combination of prior attainment, mock exams and teacher assessment is the current least worst option.

This will not be the case in future years. That said, I do think now is a good time to rethink the current system to see what could be improved: just because I think exams are the best way to assess students’ attainment that’s not to say I think GCSEs or A levels exams offer the best way of doing so.’

David runs an excellent blog full of education ideas.

Well worth checking out.
