Start of legal action for the cancelling of exams.

Start of legal action for the cancelling of exams.

What clearly is going to be the start of legal action for the cancelling of the 2020 summer exams.

The first parent to raise their concerns has now started a fundraising campaign. For the effort of taking Ofqual to court.

The parent is concerned that the cancelling of exams has led to the new system. This new system of school based grades will mean the down grading of the top level students who attend the less performing schools.

The father of the pupil is crowd funding is legal challenge toward the Government.

We, at the Exam house and exam tutors think this was forever going to happen. If only Ofqual put the exams in way back on!

At the pupil’s school no candidate achieved above a C grade in the past 3 years. So simply taking along with the evidence the standardisation, will mean any outlier high achiever will likely mean the candidate will no get the grade they deserve. While the grade they get will be in line with the rest of the school..

The faster is hoping to force a judicial review of Ofqual’s statistical standardisation methods. The Exam House will be thrilled to see the process too! It might be a can of worms!

She could be further disadvantaged if she belongs to a below-average cohort.