Disruption Coming to Universities and A levels

Disruption Coming to Universities and A levels

distruption comnig to. A levels

The future plans of online universities style lectures shines a path as to what might happen with sixth form colleges in the UK. Especially with the humanities A levels.

I have laid out ideas from Jordan Peterson's lectures (https://www.youtube.com/c/jordanpetersonvideos) and the future he envisages for online humanity university courses. How this will apply to A levels surely will have a similar pathway of change.

lectures at humanity university courses are often a repetition of previous lecture the year before. Jordan makes a nice point here on why a quality lecture shouldn't needed to be repeated if it is recorded documented and edited good the lectures they do on campus. While the lectures continue to get better by a range of providers the universities begin to struggle to justify their value.

If you take the notion that quality lectures have a value then they can be ranked. if it cannot be topped Then it will be unlikely repeated by the network effect of the online world. This repeating is exactly what goes on in universities and it is what Jordan thinks will be disrupted by the online learning world.

Students spending all this money while accuring into debt. If given the choice now would new students, well trained in learning on line, especially with the corona virus, believe that the lectures that universities give are value for money. Compared to the high quality lectures validated by the large number of views on the online networks. Reducing not just pupil miles but books printing and delivering. (Discussing exam miles here in a previous blog)

An example.Jordan’s psychology lecture has over 1million views on youtube. If this was a book it would have been a best seller. If all the humanities lectures were placed online then the quality lectures will draw the high volume of views. Voting with their view. Jordan who gives a free reading list to go with this lectures.

To take this step further, assignments and reading to go with the best lectures will produce some sort of quality mark for the students. Who can then show off to their employer or go further into the subject by doing their own lectures and discussions online. Ie, be their own classroom