AQA Science Exam practical guidance GCSE and A Level
AQA Science Exam practical guidance GCSE and A Level
Some updated guidance for exam candidates who are studying AQA science exams at schools, colleges or an AQA exam centre for the practical element of the science courses.
There will be no changes to AQA assessments for GCSE Biology (8461), Chemistry (8462), Physics (8463), Combined Science: Trilogy (8464) or Combined Science: Synergy (8465) in 2021. Ofqual’s decisions on summer 2021 exams will follow the same structure and format as those in summer 2019.
There will be assessment all of the components and objectives described in the specifications, including exam candidate’s knowledge and understanding. Including how to working scientifically, the apparatus and techniques and the required practical activities.

To reduce the frequent hands-on practical experiences for all students. For summer 2021 only the AQA science exams include:
students can study the required practical activities through the use of demonstrations and simulations, if it’s not possible for them to carry out all of the practical activities.
AS level Science specifications (7401, 7404, 7446, 7407) There are no changes to AQA assessments for AS Biology (7401), Chemistry (7404), Environmental Science (7446) and Physics (7407) in 2021. Ofqual’s decisions on summer 2021 exams:
AS level sciences will follow the same structure of 2019. Assessment of all of the components and objectives described in the specifications.
Including students’ knowledge and understanding of the apparatus and techniques and the required practical activities.

AS Biology, Chemistry and Physics
students can study the required practicals through the observations. If it’s not possible for them to carry out the practical activities personally.
AS Environmental Science
students can observe demonstrations and simulations of practical activities to cover the required skills and techniques, if it’s not possible for them to carry out the practical activities personally
No need to provide a written statement to say that students have been given the opportunity to undertake two days of fieldwork.
Permissions only apply to candidates who are following an AS level science pathway.
Rather than intending to progress to A-level in 2021-2022. Candidates following or intending to follow an A-level pathway in Biology, Chemistry or Physics are required to carry out practical science activities in order to routinely and consistently meet the Common Practical Assessment. CPC
A-level Science specifications (7402, 7405, 7447, 7408) There are no changes to assessments for A-level Biology (7402), Chemistry (7405), Environmental Science (7447) and Physics (7408) in 2021. Ofqual’s decisions on summer 2021 exams will mean that exams in A-level Science will be the structure and format as those in summer 2019. Assessment all of the components and objectives described in the specifications. Candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the apparatus and techniques and the required practical activities. We understand the challenges involved in providing frequent practical experiences for all exam candidates.
For the summer 2021 only: A-level Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Candidates will be assessed against the Common Practical Assessment (CPAC) across the minimum number of practical activities required to demonstrate competence in all aspects.
The minimum number of practical activities required will be at teachers’ discretion. Confident that individual students are competent in all aspects of the CPAC, which includes coverage of the apparatus and techniques stipulated in the specification
A-level Environmental Science
Candidates can observe demonstrations and simulations of practical activities to cover the required skills and techniques, if they’re unable to carry them out personally
you’ll no longer need to provide a written statement to say that students have been given the opportunity to undertake four days of fieldwork.
Students following or intending to follow an A-level in Biology, Chemistry and / or Physics are still required to carry out practical activities in order to routinely and consistently meet the Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC).